Note: Print at 80% and the bottom portion (REGISTRATION FORM) will print on the 2nd page.
NEW THIS YEAR: The Alumni Board has figured out a way to open the reunion to ALL those who want to attend. We will have 2 separate options for attending the Saturday night event at the Butte Valley Community Center.
Option 1: $50 per person includes the meal, along with helping pay for the venue rental, dance, yearly BVHS Alumni Scholarship, and all other costs associated with reunion planning. Must be pre-paid by June 30th.
Option 2 (No-Meal): $20 per person which helps pay for the venue rental, dance, yearly BVHS Alumni Scholarship, and all other costs associated with reunion planning. Can be pre-paid with registration, or purchased on Fri July 29th at the “Meet and Greet”, or at the gate going into the BV Community center.
ALL attendees will get their hands stamped, with different styles of stamps or a wrist band. The Non-Meal attendees will not be able to sit inside the building during dinner time. Inside seating will be reserved for “Meal Ticket” attendees only until after dinner is finished.
Fri., July 29, 2022 *5-9 PM Dorris City Hall “Meet and Greet” and pick up registration pkt.
The Friday Festival is planned for July 29th. Food, beverages, and local vendor items will be available for purchase.
Sat., July 30,2022 *Morning and Early Afternoon: Various activities and tours will be available at no cost.
*BV Community Center: ($50 for meal/$20 Non-meal attendees)
4:30 PM Social Hour, 6-7:30 PM Buffet Dinner, 8-11 PM Dance/Visit
A No-Host bar will be available at the BV Community Center. We will have a DESSERT Auction to help raise funds for the scholarship that is provided to a BV graduate each year.
Registration Deadline: June 30th
Questions or concerns, contact: Judy Brimmer 541-891-3991,
Please complete the lower half of this form and mail it, with your $payment$ to:
Butte Valley Alumni
4236 Mels Place
Klamath Falls, OR 97603
Places to stay:
Dorris : Golden Eagle Motel 530-397-3114 BV RV Park _____________
Hospitality Inn B & B 530-397-2097
Klamath Falls: Shilo Inn 541-885-7980 BW Olympic Inn 541-882-9665
Holiday Inn Express 541-884-9999 Running Y Resort 541-850-5500
Cerulean Hotel 541-882-4666 Cimarron 541-882-4601
REGISTRATION FORM Butte Valley High School All-Class Reunion 2022
I/We will be attending and want a meal: Cost: $50 per person
Total Payment Enclosed ($50 per person x _____) = _____________
I/We will be attending with NO MEAL: Cost: $20 per person
Total Payment Enclosed ($20 per person x _____) =_____________
Name: ____________________________________ Maiden name _________________________ Yr Grad: ______
Spouse: _________________________________ Maiden name _______________________ Yr Grad: ______
Mail this lower half, along with your payment to: Butte Valley Alumni
4236 Mels Place
Klamath Falls, OR 97603
*We will have a dessert auction to help raise funds for the scholarship that is awarded to a BV Graduate each year.
If you are interested in providing a dessert for the auction, please enter your name and phone number:
Name: _______________________________ Phone: ______________________________
*If you have anyone that you would like to add to the BVHS Memorial Book, please provide their name below:
NAME: _________________________________ Year Graduated: ______________________
Return lower half, by June 30th along with your payment to: Butte Valley Alumni or register online at:
4236 Mels Place, Klamath Falls, OR 97603